Saint-Gobain Crystals (Hiram, OH) has introduced high reflectors optimized for use with q-switched, solid-state lasers (Nd:YAG, NdYVO4, and Nd:YLF) operating in the near infrared and visible spectrum (1064nm, 1053nm, 532nm). The coatings on the beam delivery optics are designed to withstand high peak fluences and deliver over 99.5 percent reflectivity. The standard versions of these high-power, solid-state laser reflectors are supplied on 1 inch (25.4mm) or 2-inch (50.8mm) diameter fused silica substrates. They have a specified flatness of λ/10 (at 633nm) and a laser grade surface quality of 10-5 (over an 85 percent clear aperture).
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