Universal Laser Systems (Scottsdale, AZ) has added a laser platform to its XL Series of industrial CO2 laser processing systems that can provide 400 watts of air-cooled laser power. The laser utilizes direct air-cooling, eliminating the need for chillers and plumbing. Two models are available: the XL-9200 features a 36 × 24" processing field, and the XL-12000 is configured with a 48 × 24" processing field.
The XL Series features a beam indicator that identifies the point of laser impact on the material’s surface. Its High Power Density Focusing Optics™ is a lens option that reduces the focused spot size. Users can store and run jobs on XL’s 40-gigabyte hard drive without connection to a host PC. Users can also preview job files on the color LCD screen as well as display the status of each job as it is running. The control panel also provides an interface for system settings and diagnostics.