RSoft Design Group (Ossining, NY) offers Optical Communication Design Suite Version 4.6 software, including OptSim and a multimode add-on called ModeSYS. The new release provides support for new applications including Electronic Dispersion Compensation, 40-Gigabit-per-second systems, RF Photonics (Radio-over-Fiber links), DPSK systems, FTTx PON, and high-power optical amplifiers. The BER estimation technique for accurate treatment of noise statistics is based on Karhunen-Loeve series expansion for optical signal and noise.

EDC modeling is achieved by means of a Feed-Forward Equalization, a solution for upgrading Gigabit Ethernet links to 10 Gigabits per second, and extending their reach to 300 m. The new release also includes graphical user interface and framework upgrades, including generation of project reports. This allows users to generate a report on OptSim design under study including design layout, list of components, tables of component parameters, and plots of simulation results.
