Teledyne DALSA (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) offers a Camera Link® version of its Piranha3™ 16k CMOS line scan camera, allowing it to interface with the Camera Link standard serial communication protocol. The Piranha3 model, which includes 16k resolution, has a 3.5-micrometer pixel size and a 40 kHz line rate for 680 Mpixels/s data rate.

A Camera Link® version of its Piranha3™ 16k CMOS line scan camera.
The camera features on-chip ADC (Analog to Digital Conversion) and CDS (Correlated Double Sampling). Configuration parameters are all software controllable, including flat field correction, exposure control, and gain and offset control.

All Piranha cameras are supported by Teledyne DALSA’s Sapera™ Vision Software. The core development platform has over 400 image processing and analysis tools such as pattern finding; 1D and 2D barcode and OCR tools for part identification and detection; color processing; separation and measurement applications; blob analysis; and inspection metrology for real-world dimensional measurements.

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