Andor Technology plc (Belfast, Northern Ireland) has launched the latest addition to its new iStar range of high-performance, scientific-grade ICCDs. The new iStar 312T imaging platform provides ultrafast acquisition rates greater than 15 frames per second, ideally suited to combustion and plasma studies. This platform also offers "crop mode" and "fast kinetic mode", allowing exceptional acquisition rates in excess of 5,500 spectrum per second (continuous) and 55,500 Hertz (burst) respectively. As part of the iStar family, the 312T platform also features a -40°C thermo-electric cooling interface, low-noise electronics and high Quantum Efficiency photocathodes for the highest sensitivity. It also offers ultra-precise timing control through low-jitter electronics and comprehensive software control interface, as well as ultra-fast gating better than 2 nanoseconds.