NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, CA, has implemented Maple, MapleSim, and MapleNet modeling and simulation software from Maplesoft in its various projects. Curiosity, JPL’s latest space rover that launched last November, aims to explore Mars to investigate whether the planet could have ever supported microbial life. Current JPL projects include spacecraft missions to comets, asteroids, and the edge of the solar system, as well as satellites that monitor the land, oceans, and atmosphere of Earth.
Maplesoft products are expected to help JPL save time and reduce cost by providing more efficient and smarter methods for mathematical analysis, modeling, and simulation. Maplesoft solutions are built within a natively symbolic framework, avoiding some of the worst sources of error and computational inefficiencies generated by traditional, numeric-based tools.
In addition to using Maple for advanced mathematical analysis, JPL will use MapleSim, Maplesoft’s high-performance physical modeling and simulation platform, as a key tool in its engineering workflow. MapleSim works in combination with Maple. It accesses Maple’s symbolic computation technology to efficiently handle all of the complex mathematics involved in the development of engineering models, including multi-domain systems, multibody systems, plant modeling, and control design.
Maplesoft products will allow JPL to unify their approach to mathematics, modeling, and simulation. MapleSim’s connection to the underlying physics of the system models, combined with the knowledge capture and analysis capabilities inherent in Maple, will make project design and development faster and more accountable.
Maple, MapleSim, and MapleNet modeling and simulation software
Waterloo, ON, Canada
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