MaxLite® (West Caldwell, NJ) has introduced a number of new outdoor LED fixtures. New additions to the company’s exterior lighting line will include: induction lighting; small LED floods; LED parking area lights and large flood luminaires; LED parking garage and fuel pump canopy luminaires with new control and battery backup options; and roadway LED cobra heads.
The recently released parking area lights and large flood lights are engineered to address parking lot and building illumination using MaxLite’s patent pending Optic Pressure Plate Technology, which provides light where you need it, while improving thermal efficiencies. The new line of LED parking garage and fuel pump canopy luminaires is upgraded with multiple control and battery backup options, including occupancy and bi-level sensors. The new induction lighting fixtures include surface mount and flood lights that combine high power and very long life (up to 100,000 hours) with designs that utilize self-contained generators to create this type of fluorescent lighting.
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