The BioLume™ Garage Fixture is the first installment in a new series of patented bi-level hybrid fixtures from EverLast® Lighting (Jackson, MI) that integrate a 5000K induction lamp and amber LEDs with SMART sensor controls to provide biologically sensitive, dark-sky friendly, and energy-efficient lighting. When an area is vacant, amber-colored LEDs emit biologically-friendly light. When the sensor is triggered by motion, the induction lamp turns on to provide bright white light for enhanced security. Developed in partnership with the California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC) at UC Davis and EverLast® Lighting, the BioLume™ Series was inspired by the increasing con cern within the industry that certain light levels at night may result in biological disturbances or imbalances to certain species due to the hormonal stimulation that occurs with shorter wavelengths corresponding to typical high color temperature light sources.
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