NASA’s Langley Research Center in Hampton, VA hired Honeybee Robotics Spacecraft Mechanisms Corp. to develop a totally mechanical tool changer for the end of what Langley’s Lunar Surface Manipulation System (LSMS) team describes as a robot that could unload landers. Then, after the landers were unloaded, it could, in addition to doing base assembly, mate with tools to take science experiments. This robot could be likened to a crane, but with more dexterity.
Since Honeybee has been developing harsh-environment, mission-critical end effectors for over 25 years and has worked on the equipment for other space missions, they were specially suited to tackle this challenge.
Making It Work
Basically, Honeybee was given a footprint to stay within, and all the requirements for load ratings and misalignment allowances. Explained Lee Carlson, a systems engineer who was part of the Honeybee team, “The crane might be sitting on the lander deck or on the lunar surface and would be driven from quite a distance away from the tool to be mated to. This required designing for large misalignment allowances. This was our first design challenge. The end of the crane and target tool could be misaligned by as much as a couple inches in any direction with up to 20 degrees angular misalignment when attempting a mate.”
But, Carlson continued, there were other considerations. “The tool changer had to be capable of carrying around 1,000 pounds, so (the tool changer) had to be very robust. Also, since this was a lunar project, it has to be tolerant to moon dust. These two design criteria required special seals to protect large roller bearings. If this design was for space, it becomes considerably simpler. All of the loads would be reduced and dust is no longer an issue. But the Moon is a very harsh environment, and lunar dust is a major concern when designing for missions there.”
The original assignment called for ‘dummy’ tools requiring no power; the crane would do all the work. Tools would range from a forklift attachment, a shovel, or scoop for acquiring surface samples or digging, to a bucket for lifting human passengers.
A Crucial Ten Square Inches
Carlson had to work within the constraints of the current design because NASA did not want a redesign of the whole tool changer. They just wanted to add an electrical connector to it without increasing the current envelope. He only had roughly 2-1/2 by 4" of free space to incorporate the male side of the new autonomous connector. The connector has to mate itself to a female connector mounted on the tool. Carlson said, “We make small stuff all the time and if there were more space, there are many different ways that I could have designed it.”
Honeybee designed both the male and female sides of the connector. The female side had to be inexpensive and easy to create because each tool would have to have its own female connector, versus a single male connector attached to the crane. The female connector has no moving parts, but is slightly compliant.
The male connector has all the moving parts. It is cylindrical and populated with 11 1/16" diameter aluminum pins that are plated with gold over nickel configured in a standard MIL/Spec pattern. The connector rides on compact slides — miniature guides made by NB Corporation — called SEBS. The top faces of the two glides are facing each other and Honeybee’s components are in between the two glides, supporting this connector. This configuration reduces the moment loads on the slides.
Precise Movements
Carlson said the reason they chose these particular guides was that they were some of the smallest slides he could find. His one caveat was that he wanted to work with one of the slide suppliers that Honeybee had worked with before, and not take chances on a new supplier. It also had to be a guide that, even though this was a prototype, was completely made of stainless steel without any plastics. Plastics are generally avoided unless they are specially chosen and approved. As for lunar dust tolerance, the whole electrical connector assemblage will be sealed in a bellows to protect it from the harsh lunar regolith.
Honeybee was able to choose from the widest selection of miniature linear slide guides on the market. The standard SEBS guides’ major advantage is that they have a standard radial clearance that is twice as accurate as other standard miniature guides. Most manufacturers do not claim that their preload eliminates all clearance. Their standards are plus to minus, which allows gaps, i.e. clearance, to exist. Minus means there is some preload so there’s no gap. NB’s are from zero to minus as a standard, making for greater accuracy because there is no clearance. In other words, a negative clearance means the ball is larger than the space, adding more pressure and greater rigidity. This increased rigidity is desirable in high-precision applications. NB’s standard fabrication requires more control in the assembly and manufacturing process in order to adhere to this higher quality standard.
There can be instances where no preload is desired, where one might want to remove all friction and trade off accuracy and rigidity for minimal friction. In such a case, one might want clearance. But the space mission was not such a case.
This article was contributed by NB Corporation, Hanover Park, IL. For more information, Click Here .