The new TopMode laser from TOPTICA Photonics, Inc. (Victor, NY) features proprietary CoHerence-Advanced Regulation Method (CHARM) technology that provides active stabilization of the lasers’ coherence. The TopMode laser provides 30 mW at 633nm (free beam).
The new DL pro HP incorporates a unique patented resonator design that delivers single-frequency output power of up to 35 mW, making it a tunable alternative to HeNe lasers. Featuring 50 m coherence length, the DL pro HP now provides a larger tuning range, higher output power and a linewidth of 1 – 2 MHz.
TOPTICA’s TA pro, a narrow-band, tunable continuous-wave laser, offers 100 m coherence length (1 MHz). The TA pro employs a sophisticated laser design with flexure joints, specially developed mirror mounts and a solid laser head created from a single metal block, all capable of defending against noise or temperature attacks. Also available in a high power version, the TA pro provides output power of up to 3W. At 633nm, the TA pro scores 150 mW!
Performing at the highest power level of all red lasers, the TA-SHG pro system offers 700 mW at 633nm and 100 m coherence length.
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