Ocean Optics (Dunedin, FL) has expanded its Elite Series of high-performance modular spectrometers with the introduction of the Ventana line of high throughput spectrometers. Ventana spectrometers combine an optical bench configuration with very high collection efficiency and a high-efficiency volume phase holographic (VPH) grating to provide unprecedented throughput and sensitivity for low light level applications. Three preconfigured Ventana spectrometers are available: 532 nm and 785 nm excitation wavelength Raman models, and a visible to near-IR model for general purpose fluorescence applications. The 785 nm Ventana system has a spectral range of 250-2000 cm-1 and resolution of 10 cm-1; the 532 nm version covers 35-4300 cm-1 with 20 cm- 1 resolution. The VIS-NIR Ventana spectrometer is configured for fluorescence measurements from 430-1100 nm with a resolution of 4.0 nm (FWHM).