Lenze Americas (Uxbridge, MA) offers an Ethernet/IP communication module as an option on its 8400 StateLine, HighLine, and TopLine control cabinet devices, in addition to the Lenze 8400 motec and protec decentralized frequency inverters. Featuring dual-port technology and an external 24V back-up supply, the Fieldbus interface allows communication via Ethernet/IP enabled control systems. The 8400 series features L-Force automation technology for motion control solutions. Decentralized 8400 protec and motec inverter drives offer solutions for motion control at the source. The 8400 StateLine, HighLine, and TopLine inverters for control cabinet installation feature IP20 and IP31 protection.
The Ethernet/IP module interfaces with the Lenze sequence control to expand device range and positioning procedures. Included in the 8400 TopLine drive, the sequencer allows up to 100 actions for automatic execution of positioning, which can be parameterized directly in the inverter. The 8400 TopLine can perform the same type of positioning control that typically requires programming into a programable logic controller (PLC).
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