Reynard Corporation (San Clemente, CA) recently introduced ColorLock™ color filter stacks. These filters utilize the transmission and blocking characteristics of two or more specialty designed filter glass types to produce a precision optical component with extreme wide-angle performance characteristics. Configurations include Band Pass, Long Wave Pass, Short Wave Pass, and custom arbitrary specifications in the ultra-violet (UV), visible, and near-infrared (NIR) spectral ranges.

The filters are designed using proprietary ColorLock™ software to identify the optical layer thickness prescription and simulate a spectral response. The result is an optical filter, up to 6-inches in size, which can be utilized over very wide-angles, from 0° to +/-50°, without any spectral shift (a.k.a. ‘blue-shift’) and negligible loss in transmission. Very wide, out-of-band blocking is achieved by the inherent absorbing characteristic of the glass, achieving blocking densities better than OD10.

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