Experiments have shown that it is feasible to use oxygen radicals (specifically, monatomic oxygen) from mild oxygen plasmas to remove organic contaminants and chemical fabrication residues from the surfaces of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and metal/CNT interfaces. A capability for such cleaning is essential to the manufacture of reproducible CNT-based electronic devices.
The use of oxygen radicals to clean surfaces of other materials is fairly well established. However, previously, cleaning of CNTs and of graphite by use of oxygen plasmas had not been attempted because both of these forms of carbon were known to be vulnerable to destruction by oxygen plasmas. The key to success of the present technique is, apparently, to ensure that the plasma is mild — that is to say, that the kinetic and internal energies of the oxygen radicals in the plasma are as low as possible.
The plasma oxygen-radical source used in the experiments was a commercial one marketed for use in removing hydrocarbons and other organic contaminants from vacuum systems and from electron microscopes and other objects placed inside vacuum systems. In use, the source is installed in a vacuum system and air is leaked into the system at such a rate as to maintain a background pressure of ≈0.56 torr (≈75 Pa). In the source, oxygen from the air is decomposed into monatomic oxygen by radiofrequency excitation of a resonance of the O2 molecule (N2 is not affected). Hence, what is produced is a mild (nonenergetic) oxygen plasma. The oxygen radicals are transported along with the air molecules in the flow created by the vacuum pump.
In the experiments, exposure to the oxygen plasma in this system was shown to remove organic contaminants and chemical fabrication residues from several specimens. Many high-magnification scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of CNTs were taken before and after exposure to the oxygen plasma. As in the example shown in the figure, none of these images showed evidence of degradation of CNT structures.
This work was done by Mihail Petkov of Caltech for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. For further information, access the Technical Support Package (TSP) free online at www.techbriefs.com/tsp under the Materials category.
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Cleaning Carbon Nanotubes by Use of Mild Oxygen Plasmas
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