TDK Corporation (San Diego, CA) has extended its GWS500 series power supplies with the addition of two low output voltage models: a 5V 80A and a 7.5V 67A unit. The GWS series is a 400W to 500W AC/DC, forced air-cooled power supply that achieves up to 90% efficiency. Featuring a 4.1 x 8.6 inch footprint and 1.6 inch height, the GWS500 now offers six models with nominal outputs of 5V, 7.5V, 12V, 24V, 36V and 48V. To accommodate non-standard system voltages the GWS500's output is user-adjustable, either via the built- in adjustment potentiometer or by injecting an external programming voltage. Where peak power is needed, for example for motor start-up, the 24V and 36V models can deliver up to 600W for 10 seconds. The supply can be operated at full load from -25 to +50°C ambient temperature and up to +70°C with suitable derating.