A waveguide feed has been designed to provide specified illumination patterns for a dual-reflector antenna in two wavelength bands: 8 to 9 GHz and 30 to 40 GHz. The feed (see figure) has a coaxial configuration: A wider circular tube surrounds a narrower circular tube that serves as a waveguide for the signals in the 30-to-40-GHz band. The annular space between the narrower and the wider tube serves as a coaxial waveguide for the signals in the 8-to-9-GHz band. The nominal design frequencies of the outer and inner waveguides are 8.45 and 32 GHz, respectively.

Each of the two waveguides is terminated in a component that is sized and shaped to help focus the radiation in its respective frequency band into the specified illumination pattern. For the outer waveguide, the beam-shaping termination is a corrugated horn; for the inner waveguide, the beam-shaping termination is a dielectric rod insert.

This work was done by Daniel Hoppe and Harry Reilly of Caltech for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. For further information, access the Technical Support Package (TSP) free on-line at www.techbriefs.com/tsp under the Electronics/Computers category. NPO-40418

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Dual-Band Feed for a Microwave Reflector Antenna

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