Stratasys, Eden Prairie, MN, introduced the J750 3D printer that produces full-color, multi-material prototypes and parts in a single 3D print without post-processing. Users can choose from more than 360,000 different color shades plus multiple material properties ranging from rigid, to flexible and opaque, to transparent. Prototypes such as tooling, molds, jigs, and fixtures can include an array of colors, materials, and material properties in the same part. The printer is supported with PolyJet Studio™ software that allows users to choose materials, optimize the build, and manage print queues. Assignment of colors, transparencies, and rigidity is accomplished via familiar design controls. Color textures can be loaded fully intact via VRML files imported from CAD tools. Featuring a large, six-material capacity, the printer keeps the most-used resins loaded for printing.
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