ACHIRES: High-Speed Bipedal Robot Runs Using High-Speed Visual Feedback
Researchers from the University of Tokyo's Ishikawa Watanabe Laboratory have developed a new bipedal running robot system called 'ACHIRES' (Actively Coordinated High-speed Image-processing Running Experiment System). ACHIRES is composed of high-speed vision and high-speed actuators to achieve instantaneous recognition and behavior. High-speed vision detects the state of the biped robot, including the timing of landing at 600 fps. The biped mechanism with the leg length of 14 cm is set to run in the sagittal plane. Currently, the running velocity reaches 4.2 km/h. The robot's aerial posture is recovered to compensate for the deviation from the stable trajectory using high-speed visual feedback. ACHIRES can also somersault. While running, the robot takes a big swing with one foot and jumps. After takeoff, both legs are controlled to curl up for high-speed rotation in the air.