Pepperl+Fuchs, Twinsburg, OH, introduced the R200 and R201 photoelectric sensors in a design that is suitable for specific mounting situations. Standardized IO-Link connection via smart sensor profiles enables integration of the sensors. The sensors include DuraBeam laser technology and Multi Pixel Technology (MPT) for distance measurement. Standardized usability facilitates parameterization of the sensors during commissioning and when there is a change to the functional principle or to another series. The series offers thru-beam sensors, retroreflective sensors with a polarization filter or for clear object recognition, energetic diffuse mode sensors, sensors with background suppression and foreground suppression, measuring light barriers with two switch points, and distance sensors. Sensor adjustment is enabled by a multiturn potentiometer and a pushbutton that function as a combined operating element with three LEDs for visualizing the configuration, status, and diagnostics.
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