A team of researchers at Delft University of Technology has developed a drone that flies autonomously using neuromorphic image processing and control based on the workings of animal brains.
Animal brains use less data and energy compared to current deep neural networks running on GPUs (graphic chips). Neuromorphic processors, are therefore, very suitable for small drones because they don’t need heavy and large hardware and batteries. The results are extraordinary: during flight the drone’s deep neural network processes data up to 64 times faster and consumes three times less energy than when running on a GPU.
Further developments of this technology may enable the leap for drones to become as small, agile, and smart as flying insects or birds. The findings were recently published in Science Robotics.
Artificial intelligence holds great potential to provide autonomous robots with the intelligence needed for real-world applications. However, current AI relies on deep neural networks that require substantial computing power. The processors made for running deep neural networks (Graphics Processing Units, GPUs) consume a substantial amount of energy. Especially for small robots like flying drones this is a problem, since they can only carry very limited resources in terms of sensing and computing.
Animal brains process information in a way that is very different from the neural networks running on GPUs. Biological neurons process information asynchronously, and mostly communicate via electrical pulses called spikes. Since sending such spikes costs energy, the brain minimizes spiking, leading to sparse processing.
Inspired by these properties of animal brains, scientists and tech companies are developing new, neuromorphic processors. These new processors allow to run spiking neural networks and promise to be much faster and more energy efficient.
“The calculations performed by spiking neural networks are much simpler than those in standard deep neural networks,” said Author Jesse Hagenaars, Ph.D. candidate. “Whereas digital spiking neurons only need to add integers, standard neurons have to multiply and add floating point numbers. This makes spiking neural networks quicker and more energy efficient. To understand why, think of how humans also find it much easier to calculate 5 + 8 than to calculate 6.25 × 3.45 + 4.05 × 3.45.”
This energy efficiency is further boosted if neuromorphic processors are used in combination with neuromorphic sensors, like neuromorphic cameras. Such cameras do not make images at a fixed time interval. Instead, each pixel only sends a signal when it becomes brighter or darker.
The advantages of such cameras are that they can perceive motion much more quickly, are more energy efficient, and function well both in dark and bright environments. Moreover, the signals from neuromorphic cameras can feed directly into spiking neural networks running on neuromorphic processors. Together, they can form a huge enabler for autonomous robots, especially small, agile robots like flying drones.
For more information, contact Marc de Kool at