When (and Why) Robots Learn to Dance

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have trained a humanoid robot to effortlessly learn and perform a variety of expressive movements — including dance routines — all while maintaining a steady gait on diverse terrains. Watch this video to learn more.

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Meet Picotaur: A First-of-its-Kind Micro Robot

Researchers in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University have created Picotaur, the first legged robot of its size to run, turn, push loads, and climb miniature stairs. Watch this video to learn more.

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The All Domain Test Range’s Kobol-Picon II Experiment

Watch this video to learn more about the DoD’s All Domain Test Range (ADTR), the Kobol-Picon II experiment from December 2023 in particular. See the progress on preparing the U.S. test infrastructure for AI and the digital age.

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Using Generative AI to Train Robots

Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory are using generative AI and cutting-edge scene-mapping technology to elevate robots from simple tools to being capable of providing aid in disaster and battlefield scenarios. Watch this video to learn more.

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