A line of compact ceramic piezo motors & nanopositioning actuators from Physik Instrumente (Auburn, MA) replace traditional actuators & motion control components in precision motion control applications. High-speed motors, high force actuators and zero-wear flexure designs are available.
The actuators come in three types differing in force, travel range, and speed and precision. The PiezoMove (R) type flexure actuators are for short travel ranges (<1 mm), high forces and very rapid response. Basically unlimited travel ranges are provided by both the PILine (R) ultrasonic motor actuator and NEXACT(R) & NEXLINE(R) piezo linear motor type actuators.
The actuators are sized as small 8 × 6 × 2 mm. They handle forces to 500 N (50 kg) and speeds to 800 mm/sec. Resolution ranges up to 30 picometers.
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