Green Design & Manufacturing

Remediation Technologies


Briefs: Energy
A new electrocatalyst efficiently converts carbon dioxide into ethanol.
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Briefs: Mechanical & Fluid Systems
This technology has potential across many industries including water reclamation and treatment, and waste destruction in liquid waste streams.
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Briefs: Green Design & Manufacturing
By converting CO2 into complex hydrocarbon products, a new catalyst could aid in large-scale efforts to recycle excess carbon dioxide.
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Briefs: Mechanical & Fluid Systems

Researchers have demonstrated that they can attract, capture, and destroy perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of federally regulated substances nicknamed “the forever...

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Briefs: Green Design & Manufacturing
Orange peels are used to extract and reuse metals from lithium-ion batteries to create new batteries.
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Briefs: Green Design & Manufacturing
Bacteria-Based Hydrogel Beads Clean Up Contaminated Groundwater
Beads that contain bacteria and a slow-release food supply to sustain them can clean up contaminated groundwater for months on end, maintenance-free.
Question of the Week: Green Design & Manufacturing
Do you Like the Idea of Fungi-Inspired Design?

Our lead INSIDER story today demonstrated the potential of fungi as a building material. Aside from supporting theoretical space habitats, fungal mycelia have been used to create actual chairs and 2x4 structures. What do you think? Do you Like the Idea of Fungi-Inspired Design?

Blog: Green Design & Manufacturing
When astronauts arrive on the Moon, their habitat may be one made out of fungi.
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Briefs: Energy
This approach is a cost-effective way to convert carbon dioxide gas into methane.
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Briefs: Mechanical & Fluid Systems

According to the United Nations, 2.1 billion people lack access to safely managed drinking water services and the majority live in developing nations. A process was...

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5 Ws: Manufacturing & Prototyping

Anyone who uses products made of plastic. The new recyclable plastic could be a good alternative to many nonrecyclable plastics in use today.

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Articles: Medical

The Create the Future Design Contest was launched in 2002 to help stimulate and reward engineering innovation. In the past 16 years, the annual contest has drawn more than 13,000...

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Podcasts: Aerospace
In this episode of Here’s an Idea™, we talk with researchers who are finding small — and sometimes even fun — ways to take out all the trash.
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Blog: Materials
Researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) are trying to solve the problem of plastic waste by converting it into something useful: Aerogels.
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Blog: Green Design & Manufacturing
Have you heard of "fatbergs?" Researcher Asha Srinivasan explains how her team is turning masses of fat, oil, and grease into biofuel.
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Blog: Green Design & Manufacturing
Carl Yee invented a new kind of "Invisible Ink," so he could print paper without the guilt.
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Articles: Medical

The benefits of NASA's space exploration efforts are not limited to the cosmos. NASA technologies provide innovative solutions for people around the world. NASA missions have generated thousands of spinoffs...

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Podcasts: Green Design & Manufacturing
In this episode of “Here’s an Idea," we look at how vineyard owners, distillers, and brewers are finding small ways to innovate and make better beer, wine, and spirits.
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Blog: Green Design & Manufacturing
Georgia Tech researchers have created a sustainable plastic packaging material, using two ingredients you might not expect in a snack machine: crab shells and tree fibers.
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Briefs: Green Design & Manufacturing

A method to capture carbon dioxide directly from ambient air offers a new option for carbon capture and storage strategies to combat global warming.

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Question of the Week: Green Design & Manufacturing
Can a 'Cool' Strategy Improve Water-Purification Efforts?

Researchers from the University of Buffalo found a counter-intuitive way of improving the water-purification process: keeping things cool.

Blog: Green Design & Manufacturing
Researchers at the University of Buffalo have found a counter-intuitive way of improving the water-purification process: keeping things cool.
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Blog: Materials

A reusable sponge from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory cleans up spills – not in the kitchen, but on the coast.

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Blog: Transportation
What's the best platform for controlling vehicle emissions? "It depends!" says one engine expert.
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Briefs: Materials
Cobalt Oxygen-Evolving Catalysts for Clean Solar Fuel

By splitting a water molecule into two atoms of hydrogen and one of oxygen, scientists can use the Sun’s energy to make a clean fuel. Splitting a water molecule requires a metal catalyst to get the reaction started. Recently, much scientific attention has focused on cobalt, a relatively...

Articles: Green Design & Manufacturing

This column presents technologies that have applications in commercial areas, possibly creating the products of tomorrow. To learn more about each technology, see the contact information provided for that innovation.

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Articles: Manufacturing & Prototyping

The Create the Future Design Contest has helped stimulate and reward engineering innovation over the past 16 years, drawing more than 14,000 product designs from engineers, students, and...

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Facility Focus: Materials

The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) in Richland, WA, has been operated by Battelle and its predecessors since the lab’s inception in 1965. For more than 50...

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Articles: Green Design & Manufacturing
Hi-Light - Solar Thermal Chemical Reactor Technology for Converting CO2 to Hydrocarbons Xiangkun (Elvis) Cao, Jessica Akemi Cimada da Silva, David Erickson, and Tobias...
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