In 2015, the Bloodhound SSC (Supersonic Car) will make high-speed test runs of up to 800 mph, with the full 1,000-mph attempt scheduled for 2016. Simulations have looked at how the car will cope with the supersonic rolling ground, rotating wheels, and resulting shock waves. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been chosen as the primary tool to guide the aerodynamic design of the vehicle, including the front wheel configuration, the shape of the nose, the jet engine intake shaping, rear wheel fairings, and wing shape and size.
In order for a ground vehicle to travel at over 1,000 mph, the designers have created the most advanced fusion of space, aeronautical, and Formula 1 engineering ever attempted. The aerodynamic challenges associated with developing a land–based vehicle capable of safely travelling at transonic speeds are great.
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been chosen as the primary tool to guide the aerodynamic design of the vehicle, including the front wheel configuration, the shape of the nose, the jet engine intake shaping, rear wheel fairings, and wing shape and size.
The designers' investigations into the issue of how to keep the vehicle grounded led to an unexpected discovery that the problem was more difficult to deal with at the rear of the car, rather than keeping the nose down at the front. A series of unsteady simulations will also be carried out in order to determine the unsteady response of the vehicle, particularly in conditions such as deceleration with airbrakes deployed.