"Engevity Cuff" Monitors Artery Health
Early detection of atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in and on artery walls, could save lives. Plaque that builds up in blood vessels can eventually burst and cause blood clots, leading to a heart attack or stroke. Cardiovascular disease and stroke are the leading causes of death worldwide. New technology developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory could soon make detecting the process of plaque buildup in vessels a routine part of a visit to the doctor and, perhaps, home healthcare settings. Berkeley Lab scientist Jonathan Maltz came up with the idea of using sensors to detect the changes in the pulse pressure as blood flows through the brachial artery, a major vessel in the upper arm. Previous studies have shown a strong correlation between the health of brachial and coronary arteries. Maltz developed an advanced prototype called the Engevity Cuff, which looks and feels much like a blood pressure monitor.