Inside this issue
Application Briefs
48 Advancing Aerospike Technology Through Algorithmic Engineering
Facility Focus
NASA Spinoff
Tech Briefs
27 Material Inspired by Chain Mail Transforms from Flexible to Rigid on Command
28 Enhanced Material Stable Enough for Solar Cells
28 Plant-Based Thermotherapy Patch
30 Piezoelectric Material Remains Effective at High Temperatures
Mechanics & Machinery
39 Low Separation Force Quick Disconnect Device
36 Laser Processing Method for Optoelectronic Devices
36 Flexible Micro LEDs for Wearables
33 Anti-Phase Noise Suppression Rotor Technologies
33 Improved Fixed-Wing Gust Load Alleviation Device
35 Analyses Find Cause of Fatal Problem in Rocket Engine Combustors
42 Ecological Power Storage Battery Made of Vanillin
42 Method Helps Create Fuels from Plants
43 Maximizing the Performance of Battery Cells for Better Energy Storage
Sustainable Technologies
45 A Heat Engine with No Moving Parts
46 New Screening System May Point the Way to Renewable Hydrogen Power
47 Advancing Renewable Energy Production with Solar Thermochemical Hydrogen
15 Engineers Build Reconfigurable Artificial Intelligence Chip
15 An Algorithmic Planner Helps Delegate Tasks to Human-Robot Teams
16 A New Method to Improve Motion Planning for Robots
17 Single-Step 3D-Printing Process to Build Robots
18 Insect-Scale Robots Take Flight