Inside this issue
Application Briefs
NASA Adopts Modeling and Simulation Software for Space Exploration Projects
Thin-Film Tape Protects Mars Rover Wiring
Rendering Software Helps NASA’s Conceptual Image Lab Bring Science to the Public
Tech Briefs
Hardy Bacterium Isolated From Two Geographically Distinct Spacecraft Assembly Cleanroom Facilities
Loading, Release, Biodegradation, and Biocompatibility of a Nanovector Delivery System
Physical Sciences
Broad-Bandwidth FPGA-Based Digital Polyphase Spectrometer
Integrated Laser Characterization, Data Acquisition, and Command and Control Test System
Dual Double-Wedge Pseudo-Depolarizer With Anamorphic PSF
Sample-Clock Phase-Control Feedback
A Compact, High-Flux Cold Atom Beam Source
Microgravity Passive Phase Separator
Cavitating Jet Method and System for Oxygenation of Liquids
360° Camera Head for Unmanned Sea Surface Vehicles
In Situ Potassium-Argon Geochronology Using Fluxed Fusion and a Double Spike
Fiber-Optic Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris Impact Detector System
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Single-Layer, All-Metal Patch Antenna Element With Wide Bandwidth
Scanning Laser Infrared Molecular Spectrometer (SLIMS)
Next-Generation Microshutter Arrays for Large-Format Imaging and Spectroscopy
iGlobe Interactive Visualization and Analysis of Spatial Data
Water Detection Based on Color Variation
Trick Simulation Environment 07
DspaceOgreTerrain 3D Terrain Visualization Tool
Fault Tolerance Middleware for a Multi-Core System
JPL Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes (GRIP) Portal
Probabilistic Fatigue Damage Program (FATIG)
Small Aircraft Data Distribution System
Pressure Ratio to Thermal Environments
Navigation/Prop Software Suite
Personal Computer Transport Analysis Program
Active Mirror Predictive and Requirements Verification Software (AMP-ReVS)
Security Data Warehouse Application
Enhanced-Adhesion Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes on Titanium Substrates for Stray Light Control
Ultra-Lightweight Nanocomposite Foams and Sandwich Structures for Space Structure Applications
Information Sciences
Algorithm for Compressing Time-Series Data
Onboard Science and Applications Algorithm for Hyperspectral Data Reduction
Sampling Technique for Robust Odorant Detection Based on MIT RealNose Data
Rapid Process to Generate Beam Envelopes for Optical System Analysis
High-Performance, Multi-Node File Copies and Checksums for Clustered File Systems
Space Operations Learning Center Facebook Application
Sampling and Reconstruction of the Pupil and Electric Field for Phase Retrieval
Recursive Branching Simulated Annealing Algorithm
Method for Pre-Conditioning a Measured Surface Height Map for Model Validation
Semiconductors & ICs
Thermally Resilient, Broadband Optical Absorber From UV to IR Derived From Carbon Nanostructures
Verilog-A Device Models for Cryogenic Temperature Operation of Bulk Silicon CMOS Devices
Electronics & Computers
High-Voltage, Low-Power BNC Feedthrough Terminator
Dichroic Filter for Separating W-Band and Ka-Band
Hardware Implementation of Lossless Adaptive Compression of Data From a Hyperspectral Imager
Radiation-Hard SpaceWire/Gigabit Ethernet-Compatible Transponder