Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Tech Briefs
Physical Sciences
Ultrasonic Intake Airflow Meter for Testbeds
Spacecraft Line-of- Sight Stabilization Using LWIR Earth Signature
Transportable Instrumentation Package for In-Vehicle On-Road Data Acquisition
Variable Camber Aerodynamic Control Surfaces and Active Wing Shaping Control
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Integrated PEMFC Flow Field Design for Gravity-Independent Passive Water Removal
Metal-Assisted Fabrication of Biodegradable Porous Silicon Nanostructures
Post-Growth, In Situ Adhesion of Carbon Nanotubes to a Substrate for Robust CNT Cathodes
Data Acquisition and Processing Software — DAPS
360° Visual Detection and Object Tracking on an Autonomous Surface Vehicle
Simulation of Charge Carrier Mobility in Conducting Polymers
Information Sciences
Debris & Ice Mapping Analysis Tool — Database
Data Fusion for Global Estimation of Forest Characteristics From Sparse Lidar Data
Virtual Testing of High Lift Systems
Propellant Loading Physics Model for Fault Detection Isolation and Recovery
Mechanics & Machinery
Re-entry Vehicle Shape for Enhanced Performance
CubeSat Deployable Log Periodic Dipole Array
Electronics & Computers
Dual-Leadframe Transient Liquid Phase Bonded Power Semiconductor Module Assembly and Bonding Process
Quad First Stage Processor: A Four-Channel Digitizer and Digital Beam-Forming Processor
Compact Ka-Band Antenna Feed with Double Circularly Polarized Capability
Resource-Constrained Application of Support Vector Machines to Imagery
Reducing Drift in Stereo Visual Odometry
Technique for Finding Retro-Reflectors in Flash LIDAR Imagery