Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Software Helps NASA Design One of the Greenest Federal Buildings
Tech Briefs
Hydrofocusing Bioreactor Produces Anti-Cancer Alkaloids
A Miniaturized Video System for Monitoring Drosophila Behavior
Physical Sciences
Two-Axis Direct Fluid Shear Stress Sensor for Aerodynamic Applications
Target Assembly to Check Boresight Alignment of Active Sensors
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Low-Dead-Volume Inlet for Vacuum Chamber
Infrared-Bolometer Arrays With Reflective Backshorts
Method for Selective Cleaning of Mold Release From Composite Honeycomb Surfaces
Thermal Control Method for High-Current Wire Bundles by Injecting a Thermally Conductive Filler
MASCOT — MATLAB Stability and Control Toolbox
MIRO Continuum Calibration for Asteroid Mode
Commercialization of LARC™-SI Polyimide Technology
Carbon Nanotubes on Titanium Substrates for Stray Light Suppression
Novel Low-Density Ablators Containing Hyperbranched Poly(azomethine)s
Information Sciences
Evolutionary Computational Methods for Identifying Emergent Behavior in Autonomous Systems
Sampling Theorem in Terms of the Bandwidth and Sampling Interval
Spatial Query for Planetary Data
Optimal Padding for the Two-Dimensional Fast Fourier
Safe Onboard Guidance and Control Under Probabilistic Uncertainty
Hidden Statistics of Schrödinger Equation
Higher Order Mode Coupling in Feed Waveguide of a Planar Slot Array Antenna
Meteoroid/Orbital Debris Shield Engineering Development Practice and Procedure
Semiconductors & ICs
High-Voltage-Input Level Translator Using Standard CMOS
Small Microprocessor for ASIC or FPGA Implementation
Source-Coupled, N-Channel, JFET-Based Digital Logic Gate Structure Using Resistive Level Shifters
Electronics & Computers
Amperometric Solid Electrolyte Oxygen Microsensors With Easy Batch Fabrication
Virtual Sensor Test Instrumentation
Evaluation of the Reflection Coefficient of Microstrip Elements for Reflectarray Antennas
Miniaturized Ka-Band Dual-Channel Radar
Continuous-Integration Laser Energy Lidar Monitor
n-B-pi-p Superlattice Infrared Detector
Monolithic, High-Speed Fiber-Optic Switching Array for Lidar
Radius of Curvature Measurement of Large Optics Using Interferometry and Laser Tracker
Miniaturized Airborne Imaging Central Server System
Creep Measurement Video Extensometer
General Tool for Evaluating High-Contrast Coronagraphic Telescope Performance Error Budgets
Laser Power/Energy Sensor Shock Absorber
Vibration Isolation Workstation