Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Design and Analysis Software Ensures Safety of Launch Vehicle Structures
Who's Who
Brian Trease, Mechanical Engineer, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA
Susan Draper, Materials Research Engineer, Glenn Research Center, Cleveland, OH
Tech Briefs
Test & Measurement
A Continuous-Flow, Microfluidic, Microwave-Assisted Chemical Reactor
High-Resolution Data Acquisition System Enables Reliable Engine Parameter Measurements
High-Performance Polyimide Powder Coatings
Selective Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes
Predictive Modeling of Corrosion Efficiencies and Toxicities
Improving Foreign Object Damage Performance for 2D Woven Ceramic Matrix Composites
Information Sciences
Enhanced Project Management Tool
Advanced Navigation Strategies for Asteroid Sample Return Missions
Simple Safe Site Selection (S4) Algorithm
Fast Classification Method for Multivariate Mixtures of Spectroscopic Responses
Electronics & Computers
PATTERNS: Panoptic Aspect Time Triggered Ethernet Robust Network Scheduler, Version 1.0
Electromagnetic Waves Transformed from a Coherent to a Quasi-Coherent Nature
An Earth-Observing, Frequency-Agile Radar Receiver for RFI Mitigation
Sensors/Data Acquisition
Magnetic Thermometer for High-Resolution 10-mK Scale Thermometry
High-Temperature Ultrasonic Probe for In-Service Health Monitoring of Steam Pipes
Low-Weight, Durable, Low-Cost Metal Rubber Sensor System for Ultra-Long-Duration Scientific Balloons
Low-Power Charged Particle Counter for Space Radiation Monitoring
Web-Enabled and Automatic Ground Processing Infrastructure Servicing the UAVSAR Airborne Missions
Variable-Sweep-Wing Aircraft Configuration
Head-Worn Display Concepts for Ground Operations for Commercial Aircraft
Computation of Wing Deflection and Slope from Measured Strain
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast System for Traffic Situational Awareness
E-Textile Antenna Tuning Stitches
Protograph-Based LDPC Bit-Interleaved Coded Modulation
Flight Imagery Recorder Locator (FIRLo) and High-Temperature Radome
Active Layer Optimization in Ultra-Thin, Surface-Parallel, Deformable Mirrors