JEOL’s (Peabody, MA) most recent addition to its suite of Transmission Electron Microscopes is the versatile JEM-F200, or “F2,” the only advanced analytical, high-throughput 200kV S/TEM in its class to offer a Cold Field Emission Gun and dual Silicon Drift Detectors. The high brightness/narrow energy spread of the next-generation JEOL Cold-FEG achieves high energy resolution electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) for rapid identification of chemical bonding states. The dual Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) offer the ultimate high sensitivity and throughput for X-ray analysis. Additionally, the new Advanced Scan System employs De-Scan to achieve wide-field STEM-EELs spectrum imaging.
The F2 features a quad lens condenser system that independently controls electron beam intensity (spot size) and convergence angle.
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