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Application Briefs
NASA Uses Emergency Notification System to Communicate With Personnel
Multi-Layer Films and Tapes Provide Thermal Protection for NASA Spacecraft
Tech Briefs
External Cooling Coupled to Reduced Extremity Pressure Device
Method for Impeding Degradation of Porous Silicon Structures
Physical Sciences
Optical Sensors for Monitoring Gamma and Neutron Radiation
Rapid-Response Semiconductor Sensor With Resistance Detection Determines Partial Pressure of Oxygen
Device Measures Quality of a Laser Beam and its Illumination Field
Qualifications of Bonding Process of Temperature Sensors to Deep- Space Missions
Laser Truss Sensor for Segmented Telescope Phasing
A Zero-Gravity Cup for Drinking Beverages in Microgravity
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Pallet Manufacturing Process and Machinery Using Recycled Plastic Materials
Technique for Configuring an Actively Cooled Thermal Shield in a Flight System
Asynchronous Message Service Reference Implementation
Use of Additives to Improve Performance of Methyl Butyrate-Based Lithium-Ion Electrolytes
Li-Ion Cells Employing Electrolytes With Methyl Propionate and Ethyl Butyrate Co-Solvents
Information Sciences
Lidar-Based Navigation Algorithm for Safe Lunar Landing
Electronics & Computers
Scanning and Defocusing Properties of Microstrip Reflectarray Antennas
Fault-Tolerant, Radiation-Hard DSP
Sub-Shot Noise Power Source for Microelectronics
Measuring Input Thresholds on an Existing Board
Rad-Hard, Miniaturized, Scalable, High-Voltage Switching Module for Power Applications
Polished Panel Optical Receiver for Simultaneous RF/Optical Telemetry With Large DSN Antennas
Silicon Carbide Schottky Diodes
Polarization Crosstalk Analyzer