Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Low-Outgassing Labels Identify Instruments on the International Space Station
Cooling Solution Helps NASA Get Closer to Mars
Optical Fiber for NASA's Next Climate-Viewing Satellite
Custom Brakes Meet the Challenges of Gearless Motor Elevators
NASA Spinoff
Tech Briefs
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Melt Infiltration of SiC/SiC Preforms Using Cr-Si Alloys
Method of Making a Composite Panel Having Subsonic Transverse Wave Speed Characteristics
AMMOS Common Access Manager (CAM)
Automating Optimization and Design Tasks Across Disciplines
Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT)
Intelligent Software Enables Design of Greener, More Efficient Construction Vehicles
Shift: Self-Healing Independent File Transfer
Designing Materials with Reprogrammable Shape and Function
Designing and 3D Printing Customized Insoles for Diabetics
Software Improves Medication Adherence for Heart Stent Patients
Electric Field Activated Shape Memory Polymer Composite
Strain-Detecting Composite Materials
Preparation of Metal Nanowire Decorated Carbon Allotropes
In Situ Mechanical Property Measurements of Amorphous Carbon-Boron Nitride Nanotube Nanostructures
Negative Dielectric Constant Material Based on Ion Conducting Materials
Electronics & Computers
Wireless Electrical Device Using Open-Circuit Elements Having No Electrical Connections
Sensors/Data Acquisition
Method of Mapping Anomalies in Homogenous Material
Controlled Deposition and Alignment of Carbon Nanotubes
Micro-Fresnel Zone Plate Optical Devices Using Densely Accumulated Ray Points
CUDA Framework for Linear Time-Invariant Control of Adaptive Optics Systems
Arrayed Micro-Ring Spectrometer System and Method of Use
Mechanical Metamaterials Block Symmetry of Motion
Portable Superconductivity Systems for Small Motors
Six-Legged Robots Move Faster with Bipod Gate
Reducing Inaccuracies in Force/Haptic Feedback Systems