Inside this issue
9 The State of AI: Manufacturing 2025
10 The Future of AI for Aerospace Manufacturing
12 How AI Impacts an Industrial Machinery Manufacturer’s Design Process
14 Artificial Intelligence and Industrial Robotics: Far Beyond the Hype
16 Designing Next-Generation Carbon Dioxide Removal Technology for Better Life in Space
5 Ws
Technology & Society
Videos of the Month
Tech Briefs
Machinery & Automation
28 Camera Inspired by the Human Eye Can Improve How Robots See, React
29 Robotic “SuperLimbs” Aid Astronauts to Recover from Falls
30 Snail-Inspired Robot Could Scoop Ocean Microplastics
30 New Soft Robot Rolls Like Tires, Spins Like Tops, Orbits Like Moons
Electronics & Computers
20 Integrating Fragile 2D Materials into Devices
21 Fabricating High-Temperature Superconducting Wires for Future Energy Generation
22 “Living Bioelectronics” That Can Sense and Heal Skin
23 Growing Bio-Inspired Polymer Brains for Artificial Neural Networks
24 Deployed Electromagnetic Radiation Deflector Shield
24 Harnessing the Power of Satellites to Diagnose Damaged Infrastructure
25 Owl-Wing Study Could Aid in Developing Low-Noise Fluid Machinery
Sustainable Technologies
32 Fungal-Rich Soil Could Improve Green Roofs
16 A New Method Makes High-Resolution Imaging More Accessible
17 Ultra-Compact Camera Technology Optimized for VR/AR Devices
18 Spiral Ladder-Inspired Tool That Allows Precision Control of Light Direction and Polarization
19 A Methodology to Read QR Codes on Uneven Surfaces
20 Researchers Develop a Wide-Bandwidth, Low-Polarization Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
1 How Double-Sided Polishing Can Revolutionize Optical Manufacturing
4 Photonic Processor Could Enable Ultrafast AI Computations
7 Designing and Testing the Optics for NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
22 New Products