Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Battery Pack Powers NASA Rocket Launch
Who's Who
Huy Tran, Deputy Director, Aeronautics Directorate, Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA
NASA Announces 2012 Inventions of the Year
Tech Briefs
Physical Sciences
Cloud Absorption Radiometer Autonomous Navigation System — CANS
Simple Laser Communications Terminal for Downlink From Earth Orbit at Rates Exceeding 10 Gb/s
Environmental Qualification of a Single- Crystal Silicon Mirror for Spaceflight Use
Multi-Pass Quadrupole Mass Analyzer
Qualification of UHF Antenna for Extreme Martian Thermal Environments
Planar Superconducting Millimeter-Wave/Terahertz Channelizing Filter
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Phase Change Material Thermal Power Generator
The Thermal Hogan — A Means of Surviving the Lunar Night
Micromachined Active Magnetic Regenerator for Low- Temperature Magnetic Coolers
Web Application Software for Ground Operations Planning Database (GOPDb) Management
Application Program Interface for the Orion Aerodynamics Database
Ensemble Eclipse: A Process for Prefab Development Environment for the Ensemble Project
Space Operations Learning Center (SOLC) iPhone/iPad Application
Preparation of a Bimetal Using Mechanical Alloying for Environmental or Industrial Use
Phase Change Material for Temperature Control of Imager or Sounder on GOES Type Satellites in GEO
Information Sciences
Software Method for Computed Tomography Cylinder Data Unwrapping, Re-slicing, and Analysis
Discrete Data Qualification System and Method Comprising Noise Series Fault Detection
Modeling the Behavior of a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane within a Fuel Cell
Mechanics & Machinery
Dual-Compartment Inflatable Suitlock
Piezoelectrically Initiated Pyrotechnic Igniter
Folding Elastic Thermal Surface — FETS
Electronics & Computers
Compact Radar Transceiver With Included Calibration
Software Defined Radio With Parallelized Software Architecture
Planetary Data Systems (PDS) Imaging Node Atlas II
Automatic Calibration of an Airborne Imaging System to an Inertial Navigation Unit
Flexible’ Machine Vision: Sensors, Lenses, and Software
Pixel-Scale Coated Sensors Bring Multispectral Imaging to New Users