A short document summarizes the redesign of a xenon-ion spacecraft thruster to increase its operational lifetime beyond a limit heretofore imposed by nonuniform ion-impact erosion of an accelerator electrode grid. A peak in the ion current density on the centerline of the thruster causes increased erosion in the center of the grid. The ion-current density in the NSTAR thruster that was the subject of this investigation was characterized by peak-to-average ratio of 2:1 and a peak-to-edge ratio of greater than 10:1. The redesign was directed toward distributing the same beam current more evenly over the entire grid and involved several modifications of the magnetic-field topography in the thruster to obtain more nearly uniform ionization. The net result of the redesign was to reduce the peak ion current density by nearly a factor of two, thereby halving the peak erosion rate and doubling the life of the thruster. (Note: NSTAR stands for NASA SEP Technology Application Readiness; SEP stands for solar electric propulsion.)
This work was done by Dan Goebel, James Polk, Anita Sengupta, and Richard Wirz of Caltech for NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
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Increasing the Life of a Xenon-Ion Spacecraft Thruster
(reference NPO-43495) is currently available for download from the TSP library.
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