Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Facility Focus
60 Facility Focus: The Pennsylvania State University School of Engineering
NASA Spinoff
Technology Leaders
Tech Briefs
Machinery & Automation
40 Algorithm Designs Soft Robots That Sense
40 Human Reflexes Keep Two-Legged Robot Upright
42 AI and Wearable Cameras Combine in Self-Walking Robotic Exoskeletons
Manufacturing & Prototyping
44 Abnormal Grain Growth Suppression in Aluminum Alloys
44 “Fingerprints” for 3D Printers
45 Moving Platform for 3D Printing Reduces Waste and Costs
46 Cladding and Freeform Deposition for Coolant Channel Closeout
49 Chemistry Approach for More Robust Soft Electronics
Sensors/Data Acquisition
35 Graphite-Based Sensor for Wearable Medical Devices
35 Imitating Human Hands to Make Better Sensors
36 Wearable Sensor Helps ALS Patients Communicate
37 Wearable Sensors Detect Gas Leaks
38 Universal Tactile Sensing with Electromechanically Coupled Conductors
30 Wireless, Wearable Transmitter
31 Technology Enables Digital Communication Through Touch
32 Conformal, Lightweight, Aerogel-Based Antenna
52 Technology Converts Waste Plastics to Jet Fuel
52 Origami Solves Challenge of Storing and Moving Rocket Fuel
Inside Story
22 New Electron Microscopy Technique Offers First Look at Previously Hidden Processes
23 Engineering the Flow of Light
24 A Sharper Look at the Interior of Semiconductors
26 Say Goodbye to the Dots and Dashes to Enhance Optical Storage Media
10 The Hidden Effects of Optical Coating Stress
13 Monitoring Additive Manufacturing with an Optical Microphone
Technology Leaders
28 New Products
Motion Design
21 Metal-Free, Recyclable Polypeptide Battery Degrades on Demand
21 Rechargeable Cement-Based Batteries
22 3D-Printed Biodegradable Battery
24 Hybrid Membrane Doubles the Lifetime of Rechargeable Batteries
4 New Materials Move Li-Ion Batteries Toward the Solid-State Endgame
8 An Immersive Solution for Thermally Safer EV Batteries
11 Mapping Performance Variations to See How Lithium-Metal Batteries Fail
14 Advancing Battery Technology: THE 2021 BATTERY SHOW Preview
27 Cloud-Connected, Battery-Based IoT Devices Last Years Longer