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Application Briefs
Robot Simulation Software Lets NASA Study Conditions on Planetary Surfaces
Radiation Detectors Help NASA Understand Planets from Orbiters and Landers
Tech Briefs
Machinery & Automation
Contact State Estimation for Multi-Finger Robot Hands Using Particle Filters
Tendon-Driven Finger, Wrist, and Thumb Actuation System
Visual-Aided Inertial Navigation for Computationally Constrained Aerial Vehicles
Robotic Surgical Devices, Systems, and Related Methods
Ship Classification Using Gnostic Fields
Tension-Stiffened and Tendon-Actuated Space Manipulators
NASA Tensegrity Robotics Toolkit (NTRT) v1
RoboSimian Software System from the DARPA Robotics Challenge Finals
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Thermal Spraying of Coatings Using Resonant Pulsed Combustion
Plasma Treatments to Assist Fluid Manipulation in Microgravity
Information Sciences
DRAT: A Distributed Release Audit Tool
Graphical Input-Output Visualization Tool for DAVE-ML Models
Synchronization and Visualization of Arbitrary Streams (SAVORS)
Using a Moderate Ionospheric Storm Detector to Improve WAAS Availability
Orbital Mechanics Simulation Program for Educational Outreach
Mechanics & Machinery
Miniature, Multi-Functional, Self-Braking Vehicle
Pulse-Echo Probe Mounting Fixture for Blind Alignment on Pipes
Zero-Gravity Mobile Robot Using ON/OFF Adhesive Pads and Inchworm Mechanism
Passive Mechanism for Maintaining Tension at a Spool to Within a Given Window
Electronics & Computers
Ultra-High-Power W-Band/F-Band Schottky Diode-Based Frequency Multipliers
FPGA Reconfiguration with Accelerated Bitstream Relocation
Sensors/Data Acquisition
Improved Ground Collision Avoidance System for General Aviation Aircraft and UAVs
Programmable Linear Position Sensors Leverage Inductive Technology
Three-Axis Sun Sensor for Attitude Determination
RFID Waveguide, Antenna, and Cavity Sensors
Sensor Planning Service for Submitting Requests to Task the EO-1
Transparent and Ubiquitous Sensing Technology
Station/Orbiter Multibody Berthing/Docking Analysis Tool (SOMBAT)
Flight Deck Predicted Weather Display and Decision Support Interface
Method of Performing Computational Aeroelastic Analyses
Thermal Cycle Qualification of Radiated Solar Arrays for 50 to 133 K Temperatures in Vacuum
Downhole Regolith Interrogation with Helium-Assisted Drill and Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy
Large, High-Speed, Precision Optic Indexing Wheel
Web-Based Search Service to Support Imaging Spectrometer Instrument Operations
Design, Fabrication, and Test of WFIRST/AFTA GRISM Assembly
Spinal Ultrasound Just-in-Time Training Tool
Wide-Spectrum Organic Mass Spectrometer Using Far-Ultraviolet Ionization
AEGIS Imaging Software Unearths Mars Rocks
THz-TDS and THZ-FDS Imaging Systems
FPGA Support for GigE Vision IP Cores
Dual Wavelength Excitation Light Source