A future quantum network may become less of a stretch thanks to researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory, the University of Chicago, and Cambridge University.
By “stretching” thin films of diamond, they created quantum bits that can operate with significantly reduced equipment and expense. The change also makes the bits easier to control.
“This technique lets you dramatically raise the operating temperature of these systems, to the point where it’s much less resource-intensive to operate them,” said Professor Alex High.
Quantum bits, or qubits, have unique properties that make them of interest to scientists searching for the future of computing networks. But there are significant challenges to work out before it could become a widespread, everyday technology.
“Most qubits today require a special fridge the size of a room and a team of highly trained people to run it, so if you’re picturing an industrial quantum network where you’d have to build one every five or 10 kilometers, now you’re talking about quite a bit of infrastructure and labor,” High said.
One of the most promising types of qubits is made from diamonds. Known as “Group IV color centers,” these qubits are known for their ability to maintain quantum entanglement for relatively long periods, but to do so they must be cooled down to just a smidge above absolute zero.
The team wanted to tinker with the structure of the material to see what improvements they could make — a difficult task given how hard diamonds are. But the scientists found that they could “stretch” out the diamond at a molecular level if they laid a thin film of diamond over hot glass. As the glass cools, it shrinks at a slower rate than the diamond, slightly stretching the diamond’s atomic structure — like pavement expands or contracts as the earth cools or warms beneath it, High explained.
This stretching, though it moves the atoms apart only an infinitesimal amount, has a dramatic effect on how the material behaves. First, the qubits could now hold their coherence at temperatures up to 4 Kelvin (or -452 °F). That’s still very cold, but it can be achieved with less specialized equipment.
Second, the change also makes it possible to control the qubits with microwaves. Previous versions had to use light in the optical wavelength to enter information and manipulate the system, which introduced noise and meant the reliability wasn’t perfect. By using the new system and the microwaves, however, the fidelity went up to 99 percent.
It’s unusual to see improvements in both these areas simultaneously, explained Xinghan Guo, a Ph.D. student in physics in High’s lab and first author on the paper.
“Usually if a system has a longer coherence lifetime, it’s because it’s good at ‘ignoring’ outside interference — which means it is harder to control, because it’s resisting that interference,” he said. “It’s very exciting that by making a very fundamental innovation with materials science, we were able to bridge this dilemma.”
“By understanding the physics at play for Group IV color centers in diamond, we successfully tailored their properties to the needs of quantum applications,” said Argonne scientist Benjamin Pingault, also a co-author on the study.
“With the combination of prolonged coherence time and feasible quantum control via microwaves, the path to developing diamond-based devices for quantum networks is clear for tin vacancy centers,” said Mete Atature, who is the co-author of the study.
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