Inside this issue
Application Briefs
Image Sensors Provide Mission-Critical Data for Space Flight
Image of Spacecraft Landing on Mars Captured by Image Sensors
Books & Reports
Progress in Acoustic Transmission of Power Through Walls
Tech Briefs
Purifying Nucleic Acids From Samples of Extremely Low Biomass
Adjustable-Viewing-Angle Endoscopic Tool for Skull Base and Brain Surgery
UV-Resistant Non-Spore-Forming Bacteria From Spacecraft-Assembly Facilities
Physical Sciences
Near-Field Spectroscopy With Nanoparticles Deposited by AFM
Simplified Modeling of Oxidation of Hydrocarbons
Hard-X-Ray/Soft-γ-Ray Imaging Sensor Assembly for Astronomy
Hyperspectral Fluorescence and Reflectance Imaging Instrument
Manufacturing & Prototyping
Directed Growth of Carbon Nanotubes Across Gaps
Nanotip Carpets as Antireflection Surfaces
Nano-Engineered Catalysts for Direct Methanol Fuel Cells
Capillography of Mats of Nanofibers
Making More-Complex Molecules Using Superthermal Atom/Molecule Collisions
Information Sciences
Toward Better Modeling of Supercritical Turbulent Mixing
JPEG 2000 Encoding With Perceptual Distortion Control
Intelligent Integrated Health Management for a System of Systems
Delay Banking for Managing Air Traffic
Mechanics & Machinery
Alignment Pins for Assembling and Disassembling Structures
A New, Highly Improved Two-Cycle Engine
Flexible Structural-Health-Monitoring Sheets
Microgravity, Mesh-Crawling Legged Robots
Semiconductors & ICs
Electronics & Computers
High-Voltage, Asymmetric-Waveform Generator
Transmissive Diffractive Optical Element Solar Concentrators
Nematic Cells for Digital Light Deflection
Ultra-Stable Beacon Source for Laboratory Testing of Optical Tracking
Product of the Month: LED Light Source
Optical Communication System Design Tool
Reflective Electro-Absorption Modulator
Display Production Test Sequencer
Picosecond Cold Processing Laser
Multiphysics Modeling Simplifies Analysis of Electrical and Electromagnetic Effects
Front Panel Hardware Considerations For ATCA, AMC, and MicroTCA Telecom Equipment
Modeling System Architecture and Resource Constraints Using Discrete-Event Simulation
Software Tech Briefs
Geophysical Wave Propagation Calculation Using Multiphysics
Rock Segmentation Through Edge Regrouping
Automated Camera Array Fine Calibration
Multichannel Networked Phasemeter Readout and Analysis
MISR Instrument Data Visualization
Platform for Postprocessing Waveform-Based NDE
System for Continuous Delivery of MODIS Imagery to Internet Mapping Applications
Automatic Rock Detection and Mapping from HiRISE Imagery
Parallel Computing for the Computed-Tomography Imaging Spectrometer
Processing LiDAR Data To Predict Natural Hazards
Simulating the Gradually Deteriorating Performance of an RTG
Estimating Software-Development Costs With Greater Accuracy
Visual Target Tracking on the Mars Exploration Rovers
Parametric-Studies and Data-Plotting Modules for the SOAP
Testing of Error-Correcting Sparse Permutation Channel Codes
SPICE Module for the Satellite Orbit Analysis Program (SOAP)
Enhanced Reporting of Mars Exploration Rover Telemetry
Facilitating Analysis of Multiple Partial Data Streams
Service-Oriented Architecture for NVO and TeraGrid Computing
2D/3D Synthetic Vision Navigation Display
Calculations for Calibration of a Mass Spectrometer
Simulating the Manufacturing Process of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Implementing a Digital Phasemeter in an FPGA
3D Program Aids Design of Custom Iron Work
Displaying CFD Solution Parameters on Arbitrary Cut Planes
Flow Solver for Incompressible 2-D Drive Cavity
Flow Solver for Incompressible Rectangular Domains
Simulating Avionics Upgrades to the Space Shuttles
Simulating the Phoenix Landing Radar System
Injecting Artificial Memory Errors Into a Running Computer Program
Fault-Tolerant, Multiple-Zone Temperature Control
Post-Flight Estimation of Motion of Space Structures: Part 1
Predicting Boundary-Layer Transition on Space-Shuttle Re-Entry
Post-Flight Estimation of Motion of Space Structures: Part 2
Simulating Operation of a Large Turbofan Engine
Automated Assistance for Designing Active Magnetic Bearings
Computational Simulation of a Water-Cooled Heat Pump
Computational Model of Heat Transfer on the ISS
Optimization of Angular-Momentum Biases of Reaction Wheels
Short- and Long-Term Propagation of Spacecraft Orbits
Monte Carlo Simulation To Estimate Likelihood of Direct Lightning Strikes