Electronics & Software

Semiconductors & ICs

Review the latest advances and technical briefs in Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS) technologies essential to Design Engineers. Find new products and applications in semiconductors, electronics, electronic components, electronic circuits, integrated circuits, and ICS.


Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
A metal-organic framework does not contain cost-intensive raw materials and can be produced in bulk.
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Special Reports: Manufacturing & Prototyping
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Electronics Innovations - October 2020

In this compendium of articles from the editors of Tech Briefs magazine, discover how advances in electronic components are enabling game-changing applications in mobile healthcare/wearables, autonomous...

INSIDER: Electronics & Computers

For a long time, something important has been regularly neglected in electronics. If you want to make electronic components smaller and smaller, you also need the right insulator materials. This...

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INSIDER: Sensors/Data Acquisition

Researchers at the University of Houston report that they have designed and produced a smart electronic skin and a medical robotic hand capable of assessing vital diagnostic...

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Products: Materials
Foam gasket tapes, data analytics software, ceramic tape, and more.
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Application Briefs: Test & Measurement

Thin films and engineered surfaces are used in a myriad of applications including semiconductor electronics, data storage, and precision optics. In many cases, surface roughness and...

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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
The material was designed specifically for biomedical or wearable technologies, since sweat and volatile organic compounds evaporate away from the skin.
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Briefs: Lighting
Applications include high-speed communications, networking, and sensing.
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Briefs: Materials
This eye-on-a-chip can help treatment of dry eye disease.
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Briefs: Nanotechnology
The newest version of these combs could revolutionize clocks, telescopes, and telecommunications.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
A new encapsulation technique protects electronic properties of sensitive materials.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
This system encodes information in twisting beams of light.
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Q&A: Electronics & Computers
Prof. Jacob Robinson developed an implantable neural stimulator the size of a grain of rice.
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Briefs: Imaging
University of Colorado researchers have described a new silicon chip that improves the resolution and scanning speed needed for a lidar system.
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Blog: Materials
Dr. James Rees is spending the time in his lab testing sensors made from bacteria.
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INSIDER: Nanotechnology

Researchers have developed a new way to build power efficient and programmable integrated switching units on a silicon photonics chip. The new technology is...

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Articles: Energy
With the emergence of a new generation of ultra-efficient electronic chips, the Wiegand technology is showing significant promise, especially in the exciting area of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).
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Products: Mechanical & Fluid Systems
Positioning devices, vibration transmitters, brushless DC motors, and more.
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Products: Data Acquisition
Data storage boards, modular plugs, equipment enclosures, and more.
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Briefs: Energy
Drop-in replacements for lithium ion batteries would not pose a fire danger.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
These sensors monitor electrical loads from household appliances to support grid operations.
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Briefs: Semiconductors & ICs
The sensor has applications in fields such as robotics, healthcare, and security.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
New safety relay modules follow updated standards to give designers more options for a tailored electrical safety implementation.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
This approach could lead to entirely new and more efficient logic switches for computer chips.
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Briefs: Manufacturing & Prototyping
An ultrafast image sensor with a built-in neural network can be trained to recognize certain objects.
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Briefs: Energy
The technology could lead to production of fuels, building materials, and other products in a carbon-neutral way.
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Briefs: Semiconductors & ICs
The method determines whether circuits are accurately executing complex operations that classical computers can’t tackle.
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Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Biologically inspired ultrathin arrayed camera captures super-resolution images.
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Articles: Sensors/Data Acquisition
A new iteration of sCMOS camera technology promises even higher sensitivity than prior designs.
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