Electronics & Software

Semiconductors & ICs

Review the latest advances and technical briefs in Semiconductor and Integrated Circuit Systems (ICS) technologies essential to Design Engineers. Find new products and applications in semiconductors, electronics, electronic components, electronic circuits, integrated circuits, and ICS.


Articles: Power
Recent advances in integrated circuits, machine learning, and computing have opened up several possibilities to make informed assessments and decisions regarding the health and operational performance of modern power conversion systems.
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Products: Design
See what's new on the market, including an automatic wafer measurement system, the Model J350G jig grinder from Mitsui Seiki, DieQua Corporation's PHCH-Planetary Reducer, and new additions to SCHURTER's MSM momentary pushbutton switch series.
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Special Reports: Aerospace
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Power Electronics - November 2023

This compendium of recent articles from the editors of Tech Briefs and Aerospace & Defense Technology looks at the latest advances in power electronics and energy storage for applications ranging from...

Briefs: Sensors/Data Acquisition
Study shows improvements to chemical sensing chip that aims to quickly and accurately identify drugs and other trace chemicals.
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Briefs: Mechanical & Fluid Systems
An ultra-small actuator has nanometer-scale precision.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
A team of researchers demonstrated the first light-emitting array with 49 different colors on a single chip. This novel optoelectronic device is built on metal-oxide semiconductor capacitors.
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Briefs: Nanotechnology
With a new microscopy technique that uses blue light to measure electrons in semiconductors and other nanoscale materials, a team of researchers is opening a new realm of possibilities in the study of these critical components, which can help power devices like mobile phones and laptops.
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Articles: Manufacturing & Prototyping
Learn about the 2023 Create the Future Design Contest's Sustainable Technology Finalist: Maui Innovation Group Inc.'s leakproof valve.
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INSIDER: Sensors/Data Acquisition

Researchers have developed a method of “wiring up” graphene nanoribbons (GNRs), a class of one-dimensional materials that are of interest in the scaling of microelectronic devices....

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INSIDER: Electronics & Computers

We live in an analog world of continuous information flow that is both processed and stored by our brains at the same time, but our electronic devices process...

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Articles: Electronics & Computers
Moving to a smarter manufacturing industry requires new technologies, including initiatives such as TSN for using Ethernet in real-time control applications.
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Products: Manufacturing & Prototyping
See the new products, including Thine Electronics' serial transceiver, EBE Elektro-Bau-Elemente GmbH's level sensor, Melexis' ToF sensor, IQE's microLED display, and more.
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Briefs: AR/AI
Praneeth Namburi is a research scientist at the MIT.nano Immersion Lab. One project that bridges the physical and digital worlds uses VR simulations to train people to fabricate computer chips and semiconductors.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
A Northwestern University research team has developed a revolutionary transistor that is expected be ideal for lightweight, flexible, high-performance bioelectronics. The electrochemical transistor is compatible with blood and water and can amplify important signals.
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White Papers: Software
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Accelerating Software-Defined Vehicles with SOAFEE

The Scalable Open Architecture for Embedded Edge (SOAFEE) is building the technical foundations to accelerate software-defined vehicles. Learn all about the achievements of SOAFEE during the...

Articles: Power
As the automotive sector continues to transition to a significant portion of their portfolio being electric, they must either build the needed test facilities to support this transition or update their current facilities.
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Articles: Electronics & Computers
While the promise of smaller, better, faster, lighter devices enabled by integrated photonics technologies is indeed the ultimate goal for AIM Photonics, the actual path to high-volume manufacturing isn’t necessarily a smooth ride for PIC designers, developers, and engineers.
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Articles: Materials
Efficient and complete chamber cleaning processes are critical for the success of CVD/ALD processes.
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Briefs: AR/AI
Researchers have demonstrated an energy-efficient method for transferring larger quantities of data over the fiber-optic cables that connect the nodes. This new technology improves on previous attempts to transmit multiple signals simultaneously over the same fiber-optic cables.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
A team of researchers led by electrical engineer Marko Lončar at SEAS has developed a method for building a highly efficient integrated isolator that’s seamlessly incorporated into an optical chip made of lithium niobate.
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Briefs: Communications
MIT researchers have developed a quantum computing architecture that aims to enable extensible, high-fidelity communication between superconducting quantum processors.
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Briefs: Photonics/Optics
Researchers have developed a colloidal synthesis method for alkaline earth chalcogenides. This method allows them to control the size of the nanocrystals in the material.
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Briefs: Electronics & Computers
Researchers have fabricated a novel device that could dramatically boost the conversion of heat into electricity. If perfected, the technology could help recoup some of the recoverable heat energy that is wasted in the U.S. at a rate of about $100 billion each year.
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INSIDER: Sensors/Data Acquisition

The Big Data revolution has strained the capabilities of state-of-the-art electronic hardware, challenging engineers to rethink almost every aspect of the microchip. With ever...

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INSIDER: Electronics & Computers

A tiny transistor enables device to acquire and transmit neurophysiologic brain signals while simultaneously providing power to the implanted device.

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Briefs: Semiconductors & ICs
There’s still more to explore with REFLEX, but this process could open new possibilities for new materials and microstructures across fields from electronics to optics to biomedical engineering.
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INSIDER: Semiconductors & ICs

The U.S. electric grid is more than just power plants and transmission lines — it’s a web of connections among millions of small components, working together to allow you to...

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Quiz: Electronics & Computers
Integrated circuits (IC) are the fundamental building block of all modern electronic devices. So, how much do you know about ICs? Find out with this quiz.
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INSIDER: Sensors/Data Acquisition

Emerging AI applications, like chatbots that generate natural human language, demand denser, more powerful computer chips. But semiconductor chips are...

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